An Insight on Different Kinds of Blood Disorders


A human body is made up of different kinds of cells which are responsible for certain activities. A hundred and thousand millions and trillions of cells altogether make up each and every part of our body. These blood cells have a number of significant features. The most common blood cells that we all know are the Red Blood Cell and the White Blood Cells. There is another one named as Platelets. These three cells are what a blood is composed of

Red Blood Cell is the carrier of oxygen in the blood throughout the body and to take back the carbon dioxide present in the body to the lungs. White blood cells on the other hand, help the body to fight against any kind of attacks. If the count of WBC is less then you can be sure that there is some problem in the body that has taken place. The Platelets help in the clotting of the blood when there is any injury or cuts in any part of the body.

These three blood cells are not permanent ones. They get regenerated time and again. The old ones get demolished to provide room for the new ones which are more immune to form a protective layer against any foreign actions. Red blood cell has a time span of 120 days. The white blood cells have a less span as compared to the RBCs. They have a life span of thirteen to twenty days. On the other hand platelets have the shortest span of life, that is, eight to nine days. You can be sure that there is some problem that has taken place in any of these cells while they were under the process of formation, release, circulation, function or destruction, when you find that your body is giving abnormal reactions to any cut or to something similar. 

How can you be sure that there is a disorder in the Red Blood Cells?

This is a condition where the red blood cell reduces to a point which can be dangerous to health. There are certain symptoms which shall be taken into notice. These are dizziness, short span of breath, weakness in the muscles, fatigue; there is a problem in concentrating, high rate of heart beat.

This condition can be sub-divided into the following points – 

  • Thalassemia – This is a condition where the hereditary traits, that is, the genes are responsible for reduced hemoglobin in the body. This is mainly a generic condition. 
  • Sickle cell Anemia – This is again a hereditary condition. People often face this condition because of the alteration of the genes. The protein complex in the chain of hemoglobin is mainly altered. 
  • Anemia of any chronic disease – If a disease persists for a longer period of time than the usual time span then it is anemia which is caused by the chronic diseases. These are mainly caused by infections, inflammatory diseases and autoimmune disease. 
  • Anemia caused by vitamin deficiency – When there is a vitamin deficiency in the body, anemia can pop-up from nowhere. It can be caused because of the deficiency of vitaminB12 or vitaminB9. So, it is recommended to check on the vitamin intake while eating.
  • Anemia caused due to iron deficiency – If you have lesser iron intake then you can probably face anemia which can be caused because of the deficiency of iron in the body. It is a very big problem as iron helps to circulate blood throughout the body.

Disorders caused by the White Blood Cells

As we all know that WBC protects us from any disease. There are five different kinds of white blood cells which work in various ways. These are namely, neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes and monocytes. The increase in the amount of WBC in the body is actually an indication that the body is attacked by any disease. The fall of WBC is also dangerous. The disorders are leukemia and lymphoma. Both are different forms of cancer.

Disorders cause by Platelets

The platelet count is very important. It is popularly known for clotting of blood. If there is an abnormality in the count of platelets then you can be sure that a serious condition has taken place in the body.